Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday

I got this antique picture at a yard sale. It has cherub-looking children and all the people worshiping Jesus - as he enters the City on a donkey. How often I've looked at it and thought of how fickle man really is. We love him, we love him not...God really puts up with allot from us. It's just amazing to me that we hailed the King, just a week before our sin put him on the cross. I look at the world today and think we need a Savior more than ever. We are just as fickle as we were 2,000 years ago. We may have electronics and wonderful things to add time to our lives but we are still blind to the fact that the King is reaching out to us.

He wants us to be his friend just as much as he did in the Garden of Eden. He provides everything and we think we got it all on our own...We worship him, we worship him not...

He saves us and he saves us again, over and over, each of us. Happy Easter - praise God - he rises from the dead - for you ------------ just for you!