Tuesday, April 21, 2009

God Provides

I say this often, because so many times it seems appropriate. Today a friend and I helped this older couple. They were riding along on their motorcycle and the clutch broke. This old gentleman was pushing the bike and amazingly enough no one came to his aid. Well we know them - so of coarse we were very eager to assist. We just had to do one thing and then swing back around to where they were.

Then I thought in the few minutes we were gone - someone would come along and have already helped them, but no = we were the only ones who could take time for this. They couldn't have possibly been threatening looking to anyone (making them afraid to stop and help) it had to be that no one had time, courage or cared.

What is this world coming to...I must ask...

But then again there was me and my friend -- who saw it as an opportunity to assist, so GOD Provides. I can't judge, not knowing them and with the way people sue and blame others now - maybe people are afraid to help others. I hope that's the case. I'm scared if it's just that we truly no longer care.

You can "not like kids" and that's cool...because you're certainly not going to be a kid again. But to not help the elderly - is just foolish -- you're going in that direction. Thank God that "God Provides"

Friday, April 10, 2009

Put simply - We need to thank King Jesus

I read an Easter Devotional this week and wow it brought to light the extreme torment God endured for us. Because Jesus is God, he stayed 33 years in skin to see what we were talking about. We went to him over and over with our complaints, so he came down and endured more than any of us ever will. He even looked up and asked for our forgiveness - saying "they know not what they do."

And then he looked up right before death and said pretty much "paid in full."

If somebody offers to pay my bill - I'm right there praising them.

I figure I better do the same with God.

He's had my back for an Eternity --- I can at least give him the credit for it.

Don't ya think!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Come with us - I see Jesus just ahead!

I don't care about what you do ... I care about what Jesus wants you to do!
I don't care about your past ... I care about your potential - and your future!
I care about what God has in store for you...the things you do not even know you can do...the ones you only dreamed of...the ones Jesus has written in your book.

I will accept you where you are because you can't hide (not from the truth) and not for long ---

I say "I will be your friend" because that is what you need the most!
I'll take you just ahead where Jesus can really make a difference-------

Now Jesus will show you love because that is what HE is!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Palm Sunday

I got this antique picture at a yard sale. It has cherub-looking children and all the people worshiping Jesus - as he enters the City on a donkey. How often I've looked at it and thought of how fickle man really is. We love him, we love him not...God really puts up with allot from us. It's just amazing to me that we hailed the King, just a week before our sin put him on the cross. I look at the world today and think we need a Savior more than ever. We are just as fickle as we were 2,000 years ago. We may have electronics and wonderful things to add time to our lives but we are still blind to the fact that the King is reaching out to us.

He wants us to be his friend just as much as he did in the Garden of Eden. He provides everything and we think we got it all on our own...We worship him, we worship him not...

He saves us and he saves us again, over and over, each of us. Happy Easter - praise God - he rises from the dead - for you ------------ just for you!