Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Snow Everywhere

I've always loved the white stuff, but wow. 2 blizards in 1 week. Where to put all the white stuff. That's the question. I dug my car out (finally) and that put even more snow on the driveway. As I walked each shovel full over to a mound that was taller than myself, I realized this is way to much of a good thing.

Don't we do that- in life. We wish we had something and when it's finally dumped on us, full force we are overwhelmed. Man is not like any other creature, in fact the only things we can't ever have too much of - is love.

See -we are created in the image of God and he actually wants love. He certainly doesn't need us, or our complaints, or our lack of faith. He can make the stars and oceans, these people are just another creation.

Not so, we are the children, So the next time you feel like you would give your child everything (even your life) remember the really big father (GOD) He wants your love and then like the snow we have right now -the blessings drown you, because you can actually see them.

You'll see what I mean, think really big and look at your creator, he's got a ton of great things for you. Even more than you can handle...



Jane said...

Very nice are so wise!