Monday, July 20, 2009

Holy Spirit - No Mistakes in God's World

My really close friend said each day on a mission trip they sang this song I love about how God is above all fame - the beginning and end. It's the song that says exactly how I feel about Jesus. Some of my friends even comment that I say King Jesus about God. I really feel that the Holy Spirit sent my best friend a song to remind her of the reason she was there. She went to serve the Kingdom and he's the truth, the light and the way and even if there was rain, or bugs, or language barriers she was in the right place...

I read a man once asked Mother Tereasa to pray for God to give him clarity. She said
she would not pray for such a thing because clarity is not how you serve the Kingdom.
It is by faith and trust. We step out and look back and no one else stepped out with us.

I'm glad a song reminded my friend of me, I'm glad it was a song that told how awsome God is. In some ways I feel I was there in spirit, because the holy spirit
that dwells in all of the children of God can travel everywhere and there are no mistakes in God's World...